Tiny Baby Wailed At Bottom Of Rock Bed- She Screamed When Doctor Picked Her Up

Every rescue scenario gets our emotions, but one that involves a puppy who has had little to no chance in life moves us particularly strongly. Animal Aid received a phone call about a tiny puppy that was so badly hurt that he could not move, and they rushed to the scene as soon as possible.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


Because strays are common in so many regions, determining how these injuries occurred is difficult. The dog may have fallen or been pushed.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


She may have been attacked by another animal or a human. All that could be said was that the puppy was motionless, unable to move, and bleeding profusely from her neck on a huge pile of rocks near a drain ditch. She also screamed in agony.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


She was immediately taken for a physical examination after the puppy quieted down. But as soon as the veterinarian attempted to stand her up, she began screaming again, suggesting that she had no pain medication at all. Poor thing! She required a caring touch and lots of TLC. The doctor flushed her neck wound out and treated it so the infection wouldn’t set it. Her neck was then bandaged properly. She looked so tiny, lying on the giant table.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


Puppies are extremely resilient, and they heal quickly. The little puppy made tremendous improvement in a short time period. They gave the tiny warrior the name “Connie.” Now check out little Connie!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


Isn’t she a doll?! She can run and play with the other Animal Aid doggy residents. She loves her caretakers too!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


And now that she’s healthy, she will be placed in a forever home. Lots of adopters want puppies so she will go to a good home in no time!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


Watch this heartwarming story and most importantly, happy ending!


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