Woman rescues shelter dog – and people can’t stop watching his emotional “thank you”

Sometimes, dogs just know when you need a hug.

Pretty much anyone with a dog can recall a moment when their dog knew how to comfort you. Sometimes dogs bring you their favorite ball, get you outside for a jog or crawl into your lap for some hugs and cuddles until you feel better.

It’s like a 6th sense with these fluffy fellas. Almost like their brains go “Human in distress! Initiate comfort protocol!”

Source: Video Screenshot

One woman experienced this in an incredible way after rescuing a dog.

It all started when a woman witnessed a group of dogs experiencing some serious neglect and took it upon herself to rescue them from a deadly situation.

I saw abandoned dogs for days with no food, water, or shelter, dying in 100+ degrees. They were tied up on two-foot chains, not able to move. I waited to see if someone would come help them and I couldn’t sleep at night, so I saved them.”

The newly rescued dog sat in the passenger seat of her car as she drove away from the rescue location. Despite all the trauma this dog just went through, he noticed that the woman was having a hard time.

His savior was crying and petting the dog. “It’ll be ok…it’ll be ok.” The little dog surprised her by petting her back and hugging her arm. It wasn’t long before the dog was climbing over the center console to snuggle up against his new friend.

Source: Video Screenshot

The woman who rescued the dog reflected on this moment saying:

“It broke my heart that he’d been neglected and was dying and wasn’t mad at me but grateful. I started to cry and again, his focus shifted from himself to now my needs. I couldn’t believe so much love came from an animal that literally just came from a situation like he was in.”

This whole interaction was filmed by the rescuer and shared on social media. You can see right from the start that the canine wants to do nothing other than comfort his rescuer. Even with his ears down and back, he bravely reached out to give a hug to his new human friend.

Source: Video Screenshot

This video shows its viewers that good deeds are always rewarded.

This woman did not rescue the dogs because she wanted recognition or accolades. She rescued this dog because she thought it was the right thing to do. She was rewarded by a fluffy hug from the very being she rescued.

If you are looking for a fluffy companion, please check your local rescues before looking for breeders. Rescuing pets is one of the most rewarding things you can do. You rescue your companion, but they rescue you just as much.

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Source: ViralHog

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