Woman Turns Around And Is Puzzled To See A Dog Optical Illusion In Her Bed

Woman Turns Around, Perplexed to Discover A Dog Optical Illusion In Her Bed

We all know that dogs are curious creatures in their nature especially if they are pets. So, there was no wonder for Jo Constant and her partner when their 3 dogs want to be a part of whatever they do, which includes sleeping!

Whenever Bear, a 84-pound-dog, Flippit, and Whippet, get the chance to sleep with them under the duvet, they love it, according to Constant. Anyway, if any dog decides to drag the duvet off everyone else after pinning down it, it would be somehow a challenge!

When Constant woke up one morning, she got a funny optical illusion after looking at the bed, which made her grab her phone to take a picture! She shared it with a caption “that’s how you share the bed with half Whippet and half man!

It seemed like she shared the bed with a human, who had the body of a dog! Her intention was to be able to take the photo before anyone moved! However, it was a normal thing for the dogs to sprawl around their parents or piling on top of them while sleeping! They even did not pay attention or move no matter what was occurring! How awesome!

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