Dog Cries As She Heard ‘Newborn’ Baby Crying For The First Time And Knew ‘What To Do’

For those who have brought home a newborn or child into their home with an existing 4-legged fur-baby, this story is so sweet. Meet Bella, the Boxer who met Malina, her new best friend. This is their story!

Bella the Boxer dog has always been a favorite of her family. When Bella’s mother was expecting Malina, Moms had numerous concerns about how Bell would react to the newborn’s presence. But in her heart, Mother knew that Bella was not a jealous pet. We see Bella’s reaction when she hears baby Malina’s cries for the first time in the video below. Baby Malina just got out of the hospital and her parents have put her in a crib for safety reasons.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


Although Malina isn’t in Bella’s line of sight, she is able to sense the baby’s changing emotions. When Bella hears Malina crying in her crib, she becomes anxious. She walks around and wonders how to assist her distressed human sibling while he or she cries.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


Unable to understand why her daughter is crying, Bella begins sobbing as well. Around the crib, she lets out some heartbreaking sobs and tries her hardest to notify her parents about Malina’s tears. Mom was astounded to witness Bella’s caring behavior toward her sibling, claiming that she has always slept in Malina’s room.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


Bella was simply devoted to her new BFF and you could tell that the loyalty for her new sister has already begun. But, you really need to watch these two in the video below and get your ready for your heart to sing because it’s adorable!


Watch the video below and please ‘SHARE’ with a friend or family member!

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