Dog ‘Panics’, Goes Into Hiding For 8-Months After Family Moved & Left Her Behind

Despite the baby animal’s fear and reluctance to be rescued, the determined rescuers persisted in their efforts. They managed to gently wrap a snare around its neck, but the animal remained paralyzed with fear and was challenging to bring to safety.

Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video

After finding her hiding spot, she was put in a crate and transported by auto shop employees to CARES for medical evaluation and a bath due to being covered in motor oil. Blue Bayou is now the pup’s name, and Andrew Rosenthal and LA Dogworks have been assisting with her training and socialization.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


Blue Bayou is no longer scared and is a very happy and playful pup. She eventually found a forever home! Special thanks to the WONDERFUL people at Hope For Paws!

Click the video below to watch this AMAZING story that’ll have you CHEERING in the end!

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