Elderly Dog With Teddy Bear Face Is Confused Why Being Returned To The Shelter 7 Times

This story speaks about a senior shelter dog called Martin, who has been returned to shelter 7 times! The dog was surrendered to the shelter for the first time by his 89-year-old dad, who wanted a better life for him as he was not able to take care of him properly.

Marketing communications specialist at SPCA, Samantha Ranlet, said that the dog was able to adjust easily from the first day as he had always been happy. Martin, who has a teddy bear face, was adopted and returned to the shelter 7 times in just 2 months!

After that, the SPCA shared Martin’s story online in hopes that he would find the forever home he deserves. Thankfully, the post went viral and tens of adoption applications came to the shelter within just 48 hours!

After reviewing the applications, they were able to find the perfect forever home for him as an experienced-with-senior-dogs couple were chosen.

However, Martin has a great life with his new family, but he is still receiving treatment for his heartworm on the weekends. What a happy ending!

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