Follow the inspiring tale of Worth, a once-lost dog, as Suzette Hall’s determination and compassion bring about an incredible change in his life.

When a stray dog follows Suzette Hall to her car without protest, some of her rescue missions turn out to be simpler than anticipated. The harder ones, though, involve numerous tries and more nights of insomnia. One of those stories involves Worth, a tiny white dog who had to wait five weeks to be saved.

Logan’s Legacy Rescue founder, Hall said, “I was there day and night for so many days in a row.”

Before Hall arrived, Worth had already been living alone for three weeks. When a concerned citizen spotted the little dog wandering through a Los Angeles industrial neighborhood, they called in a seasoned rescuer.

Hall arrived promptly and immediately started using her standard rescue techniques.

“I tried traps, I tried the food, I tried everything,” said Hall. “But nothing would work because the people working there would chase her away.”

The puppy was lured into a truck yard by Hall. When someone on the property opened the gate, the dog escapes as she was preparing to slide a lead over its head.

Hall last encountered Worth in that location at that time.

Hall stated, “I kept going back every day hoping that she would come back, but she never did. I thought for sure she was gone.”

Without any trace of the wary pup, two weeks passed. Then, one evening, Hall got a letter from a fan about a tiny dog. Hall was shocked to see that the little dog she had been looking for was there.

As soon as the dog was spotted in a field, Hall hopped in her car and drove there. Something finally materialized in the distance after some time of searching.

“I looked, and it was her,” Hall said. “I couldn’t believe it was her. It was unreal.”

The dog’s hair was mat-covered and longer than Hall had recalled.

Hall managed to get the puppy to her car and into safety with the aid of a nearby security guard. Worth joyfully took the front seat and sat down, smiling for the first time in a few weeks.

Hall says, “I called her Worth because that’s the name of the street she was on. And because she was worth all the trouble.”

Although Worth is now in foster care, Hall already has a fantastic adoptive family. As soon as those five weeks are through, she will be in a loving permanent home.

“She was probably the hardest rescue I’ve ever done. But she was so worth every minute of it.”

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