Formerly Abused Pup Was So Traumatized That She Was Too Afraid To Fall Asleep

Tedi received a call regarding the rescue of a dog from Iran who had a broken back and was paralyzed. They wanted to know if Tedi was up for the challenge of fostering her, and she happily agreed.

The rescue pup, named Pani, was still very shaken up from her past. She was so traumatized that she was too scared to even go to sleep.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


It got to the point where she would be so exhausted but would fight it and refuse to let herself fall asleep. Whenever she would, she made sure to keep one eye open because she didn’t trust anyone.

Pani was fitted for a wheelchair and was able to get around with ease. She also did water therapy to help build up her strength.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


After about three months with her foster mom, she finally began sleeping comfortably for the first time in her life.

Now she falls into a deep sleep while lying on her back, completely vulnerable. She finally trusts humans again and knows that she is safe. Tedi began feeling anxious just thinking about giving Pani up and saying goodbye to her, so she decided to adopt her permanently!

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video

Watch Tedi and Pani’s story in the video below!

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