Friendly Pup Decides To Entertain The Passengers Behind Him On A Long Flight

When Huxley’s mom took him on his very first plane ride, the Golden Retriever puppy soon discovered what we all know: planes are boring.


Huxley got annoyed when his mom didn’t provide him with the attention and entertainment he demanded, and he decided to teach her a lesson and take matters into his own hands. The pup seemingly reasoned that if his mom wasn’t willing to shower him with attention, perhaps someone else was! So, Huxley left his mom’s side and went to sit down next to the man in the row in front. Ursula Daphne Aitchison, Huxley’s mom said:” He spent 30 minutes in that seat, the man next to him said he was a very good passenger and the man across the aisle was taking selfies with him”. While in the seat, however, Huxley realize that his mom had opened a snack! Huxley pressed his face between the seats trying to reach the chips.



Aitchison said:” He quickly changed his tune when he heard me eating my crisps.” Huxley stuck his head between the seats to try and sneak a taste but couldn’t quite make it work — and his fellow passengers couldn’t stop laughing at the faces he made. He stuck his tongue out … … and showed his teeth … … and proved to the entire airplane that he’s definitely the cutest puppy in the world.





Aitchison eventually posted photos of Huxley’s airplane antics to Facebook, where he quickly became even more famous. Aitchison wrote on Facebook:” Guys I can’t breathe “. Even though he couldn’t reach his mom’s snack, Huxley continued to entertain his mom and the rest of the flight with his silly faces until he got bored of that too, and went back to making friends with everyone around him. Aitchison said:” He spent 30 minutes in that seat; the man next to him said he was a very good passenger and the man across the aisle was taking selfies with him . Huxley kept giving him his paw to hold. He was making lots of people laugh and the man next to me asked to take his photo to send to his daughter.”

Huxley spent most of the flight entertaining his fellow passengers, and with such a cute puppy to look at and play with, there’s no doubt the flight went by in a flash. Apparently plane rides don’t need to be so boring after all! Hopefully, we’ll all get to fly with such a cute travel companion one day.

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