Best friends take in 19-year-old shelter dog and are making her last days magical

Lauren Siler saw a post in Instagram a poor old dog, who desperately needed help while being about to board to Dallas to her home.

The dog was available to be adopted as she was at Dallas Animal Services. The shelter gets the information about its dogs from people who surrender them. So, when Annie was surrendered, her previous owners told the shelter that the dog, who is 19-year-old, had stopped eating and walking.

Lauren then went to ask Lisa Flores, her roommate and best friend, if it was fine to bring a dog home, but Annie had already been taken in by a rescue group called The Pawerful Rescue by the same time.

Lisa and Lauren went to the rescue group, that was looking for a fosterer for Annie, and told them that they wanted to give Annie a forever home!

However, they were told by the veterinarian that Annie would not live more than a month! Anyway, they did not care and took her home to give her a great time in her golden years.

The 2 friends started sharing their moments with Annie on Instagram and some of their videos went viral! Annie celebrated her birthday with Lisa and Lauren, who also celebrated Christmas so early to let her enjoy it.


The girls said that they will give Annie what she needs as long as she is generally ok. How awesome!

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