Heroic herding dog fights off 11 coyotes to save his flock of sheep

Dogs are such intelligent, protective animals. That’s especially true for sheep herding dogs, who have an important job of watching over their flock and protecting them from harm.

Recently, one heroic Great Pyrenees herding dog went above-and-beyond, saving the sheep by fighting off a pack of 11 wild coyotes.



According to 11Alive, a pack of coyotes appeared at a home in Decatur, Georgia on November 3, going after the owner’s sheep. Homeowner John Wierwille said he was initially able to scare them off, but the coyotes came back later that night.

But thankfully, his 20-month-old Great Pyrenees livestock herding dog, Casper, was there and ready to defend the flock against the attacking coyotes.

After the coyotes got into the pen, Casper put up a fierce defense. The animals fought for 30 minutes, and Casper reportedly killed 8 coyotes. But the dog also suffered his own injuries, all to protect the sheep.



The remaining coyotes fled, and Casper took off after them, leading to the owner fearing that the dog had died in the battle. But after a search, John found his dog, alive but greatly injured.

“He looked like death, I mean he looked terrible,” John told 11Alive. “He came back home and he just kind of looked at me like ‘boss stop looking at how bad I look, just take care of me.’”

Casper suffered serious injuries to his back and neck, and also lost his tail. Vets and family were initially unsure if Casper would make it, saying he was found in “bad, bad condition.”


But despite the odds against him, Casper has been making a slow but steady recovery.

“He’s lucky to be alive,” said Dr. Susan Brosman of LifeLine Animal Project.

“He looks great now, he’s in good spirits,” added clinic supervisor Maisie Hale. “I love him. He’s such a good boy.”

Online fundraising reportedly covered the cost of Casper’s medical bills, which will cost about $15,000-$20,000. Casper still has a few months of recovery left, but for now he’s in good spirits and is being praised as a hero.


“He’s a hero for sure,” Dr. Brosman said.


We’re wishing hero dog Casper a quick recovery — thank you for defending these sheep when they were in danger!

Please share this incredible story! ❤️





A pack of hungry coyotes invaded a farm in Decatur, Georgia. Their target: a flock of sheep in the pasture next to the owner’s home.

What the coyotes did not know was there was a brave livestock dog that guards and protects them. After a bloody fight, the guard dog was seriously injured but hailed victorious, leaving 8 coyotes dead.

On the evening of November 3, around 9 p.m., a pack of coyotes went near the house of farm owner John Wierwiller.

He was able to push them away by throwing rocks at them. However, they were adamant to get what they wanted and came back at around two in the morning.

Casper at the LifeLine Clinic

Casper and Daisy, his two guard dogs courageously backed up the sheep in the corner, trying to protect them from the ravenous coyotes.

Wierwiller saw a few coyotes already inside the pen and others were getting closer to it. At that time, there were about fix or six coyotes ready to attack the sheep and the dogs.

Wierwiller said he was not scared of the coyotes attacking them but he was afraid for Casper as the coyotes were focused on him more than anything.

Casper being treated at LifeLine Clinic

Not wasting any more time, Casper fearlessly jumped into action and threw himself in the middle of the pack, fighting them off for 30 minutes.

Casper successfully killed a few coyotes but he didn’t stop there. He continued to fight in hopes of killing the other ones. The remaining coyotes managed to jump out of the fence and went separate ways.

Casper tirelessly chased them and killed a few more outside of the fence. After the fight, Wierwiller lost sight of Casper and failed to find him.

A flock of sheep at Wierwiller's farm

Casper killed a total of 8 coyotes and none of his sheep was hurt but Wierwiller was more concerned about his dog’s disappearance.

“So the next day, we thought we could find him, we thought he must have been killed and so we were looking for him,” Wierwiller said.

What worried him more was the fact that they found parts of his tail and blood.

Sheep with their guard dog

Wierwiller, with the help of his neighbors, searched for Casper and after a couple of days, he turned up at the farm with visible injuries.

“He looked terrible. He came back home and he just kind of looked at me like ‘boss, stop looking at how bad I look, just take care of me,’” said Wierwiller.

Just as Casper seemed to order him, Wierwiller looked after him with the help of LifeLine, a non-profit that aims to stop the shelter euthanasia of healthy and mendable animals. Casper had several surgeries to close up his neck and back wounds and to cut off his tail.

Casper being looked after at LifeLine Clinic

On his Facebook page named “Ewe Can Do It Naturally,” Wierwiller posted an update on Casper on November 28.

“We had some really great news about an hour ago – the emergency vets were able to close up Casper’s neck wound! Casper will be back to the LifeLine Clinic this afternoon for a check-up there and probably to stay for several more days.”

Vets treating Casper at LifeLine Clinic

He thanked LifeLine facility for providing Casper with great care at lower costs. LifeLine also launched a GoFundMe to cover Casper’s hospital bills which cost $15,000.

The group received more than their goal so they are using the remaining funds to help save other animals in the future.

Casper is being treated at LifeLine Clinic

Though Casper may not be able to continue his job as a guard dog and protect the sheep, his heroic act will forever mark Wierwiller’s heart and he will always be known as one of the bravest guard dogs.

To hear updates from Casper please visit Ewe Can Do It Naturally.




Stray Dog Was Tired Of Being Just A Toy For Kids Of A Small Village



Meet Mila, a cute dog who had a very tough and bad life in a village as the kids used her for their games! She was always exhausted and was able to sleep whenever she wanted!

Thankfully, rescuers were called to help the dog, and they directly rushed to the scene. When they arrived, they did not believe what they saw as the dog’s situation was so bad as she was only skin and bones, seriously anemic, covered with hair, and so sick!

Happily, the dog was bathed for the very first time, and had a great sleep! She started getting better and prettier every day. She just wants a forever home! What a transformation! Watch the video below.

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Elderly Dog Hardly Can Walk, Cries When She Sees Her Soldier Mom Coming Back Home


Elderly Dog Hardly Can Walk, Cries When She Sees Her Soldier Mom Coming Back Home


In a world where loyalty knows no bounds, the story of Buddy, a 13-year-old dog, and her unwavering devotion to her soldier mom, Hannah Falk, shines as a heartwarming testament to the bond between humans and their canine companions.



Buddy’s journey alongside Hannah began when she was just a playful puppy, welcomed into the Falk family with open arms. The years passed, and Buddy became an integral part of Hannah’s life, sharing in her joys, comforting her in sorrows, and providing an unspoken but deeply felt companionship.


When Hannah turned 21, she embarked on a new chapter in her life, answering the call to serve her country by joining the army. As she left her home and beloved pets behind for military training in Oklahoma, it was a heart-wrenching farewell for both Hannah and Buddy.

During her time away, Hannah missed not only her family and friends but also her horses, Derby and Buddy, and, of course, her canine companion, Buddy. The months felt like an eternity as she eagerly awaited the chance to reunite with her cherished pets.

Buddy, now in her golden years, had experienced the passage of time in her own way. Her once boundless energy had waned, and she carried the weight of her age in the form of arthritis. Deafness had also claimed a part of her world, yet her spirit remained undiminished.

When the long-awaited day finally arrived, and Hannah returned home for the holidays after three months abroad, the reunion between Buddy and her soldier mom was a moment of profound emotion. Despite Buddy’s limited mobility and hearing impairment, her heart recognized Hannah’s presence.

In a simple yet profoundly moving gesture, Buddy greeted Hannah with the same enthusiasm as if they had been apart for years. Her eyes sparkled with recognition, and her tail wagged with joy. The depth of Buddy’s love and her ability to express it transcended the physical limitations of age and ailment.


This heartwarming story serves as a poignant reminder that dogs, with their unconditional love and unwavering loyalty, are among the world’s most devoted creatures. Buddy’s genuine and heartfelt reunion with Hannah showcases the power of the human-animal bond, a connection that defies time and circumstances.

As you watch the touching video of Buddy and Hannah’s reunion, you’ll witness the profound love that exists between them, a love that bridges the gap between species and speaks to the profound impact our four-legged friends have on our lives.

Please share this heartwarming tale with your loved ones and friends, reminding them of the enduring love and companionship that dogs provide, even in the face of aging and physical challenges. Buddy’s story is a testament to the extraordinary bond between a soldier and her loyal canine friend, a bond that continues to inspire and touch hearts around the world.

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