Mom & Dog Take Car Ride, ‘Break Into’ Song When Michael Jackson Plays On Radio

When the music is added, everything becomes better. It’s the greatest method to convey affection because it stimulates emotions that are so powerful they can take over your soul and give you inspiration for life. And when you witness an animal react strongly to music, you know that this piece will be around for a long time!

Image/Story Source Credit:Melissa Mourelatos via YouTube Video

Honey, Melissa’s rescue dog, enjoys singing a nice song. When they were driving through Humboldt County, Michael Jackson‘s hit ‘Will You Be There‘ was on the radio, and Honey couldn’t help but sing! We don’t have to remind you that Honey is a fan of the King of Pop, do we?

We are not here to discuss whether Honey is good at singing or not. When you enjoy a song so much and you sing along from the heart, no one can tell you to keep it quiet!

Image/Story Source Credit:Melissa Mourelatos via YouTube Video

Music has to be the best way to show love. It has a unique way to touch the soul, providing inspiration and making you feel like you haven’t felt before. Even though our animals can’t tell us how they feel, Honey really seems to show Melissa how she feels! Amazing.

You’re going to LOVE Honey’s singing in the video below. Be sure that your volume is up for this one! ????


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