Brave rescuers battle fierce lightning storms to save two abandoned dog sisters, touching many onlookers.s

Katelyn Mannion, Kim Reid, and Fiona Mc Clintock, the rescue team, were unfazed as lightning rumbled menacingly across the dark and clear sky.

They were aware that two terrified German shepherd sisters who needed assistance were out there. And they had no intention of stopping until they located them.

The group, which frequently assists in rescuing stray animals in the Fermanagh region of Ireland, acted as soon as they learned about the dogs. They conducted a three-day search through deep forests and agricultural land.

After three days, the team began to fear that they would never find the dogs.

Mannion said, “We were feeling a little deflated as we couldn’t get close to them, and we just wanted to bring them to safety.”

They eventually located the sisters hiding in a nearby farmer’s shed. The hounds were finally visible.

“It was a very intense, overwhelming feeling of pure joy and excitement,” Mannion said. “We were still very concerned for their well-being, but we were just so thrilled to have them in a secured area. There were definitely a few tears.”

The canines were given the names Thora and Levina by the rescuers, and treatment for the sisters began right away. Little China Dog Rescue provided a rescue location, and Lost Paws NI offered to cover the cost of medical care. Both businesses responded so quickly to provide assistance delighted the crew.

As a result, Mannion stated, “This took so much pressure off us, and we could just really enjoy our time with them. It was almost euphoric! ”

The dogs soon developed a fresh perspective on people.

“Once they were caught and given the suitable medication and treatment they needed, they started to show their own personalities a bit more,” Mannion claimed. “They went from running away from people to asking for more cuddles.”

The dogs have now gotten used to their foster homes and will stay there until they are adopted.

Although the girls’ narrative has a happy conclusion, the rescue crew is still puzzled as to where they came from.

Mannion stated, “We couldn’t ask for any better. They are so content, and they know they are so loved.”

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