‘Mopey’ Dog Passed Over In Shelter Prays Someone Will See Her Worth

Many shelter dogs rely on social media to get them adopted but sadly, no one wanted Brickle. The pup was deemed “mopey” by potential adopters. Thankfully, a wonderful family saw Brickle’s true colors and adopted him. And boy, are we grateful for that!

Source Screenshot: GeoBeats Animals – YouTube


In the video posted by GeoBeats, Brickle’s mom explains that dogs like him are often passed over by people because he didn’t seem happy or excited. But the seemingly “unhappy” dog was far from it! Brickle’s new mom suffers from depression and she swears he can tell when her mood shifts. Brickle’s mom even says he has saved her life countless times.


Source Screenshot: GeoBeats Animals – YouTube


Brickle’s family decided to change their living situation and take their family on the road… permanently. This changed Brickle in such a dramatic way! He loves seeing the entire country. When Brickle looks out at a beautiful view, it affects him in such a way that it’s incredibly inspiring. He appreciates his life so much… the life that may have never happened if Brickle’s sad face wasn’t overlooked. 


Source Screenshot: GeoBeats Animals – YouTube


All shelter dogs like Brickle deserve loving homes despite their appearance. Please take the time to watch the video and share Brickle’s story. We are so happy Brickle found his forever family!


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