Soldier Was Hoping To Reunite With The Puppy She Saved, But She Ran Out Of Time

Army Reserve Sergeant Tracy McKithern met a starving puppy who came to her for love while she was deployed in Iraq. She took the pup under her wing, named Erby, and over time the bond between them grew incredibly strong. During difficult moments, Erby became Tracy’s source of comfort and happiness.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ABC Action News via YouTube Video


Upon Tracy’s return from deployment, she immediately began planning to keep the promise of bringing Erby home with her. Tracy contacted “Puppy Rescue Mission” and they graciously put together a fundraiser to help cover the costs of Erby’s flight back to America. Strangers donated generously, fully aware that all funds went towards helping this pup find her way home.

Just as everything seemed to be coming together perfectly, Tracy was called for another deployment– putting reunion plans on hold once again. ????


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ABC Action News via YouTube Video


In this video, we see Tracy eagerly waiting to reunite with Erby after returning from her deployment. It had been seven months since she last saw the puppy, and Tracy knows that in that time Erby would have grown bigger. She just hopes that despite the growth, the little pup will remember and love her nonetheless.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ABC Action News via YouTube Video


As Tracy leaves the airport, Erby sees her and impulsively runs toward her with embraces and kisses. Tracy is ecstatic to see the tail-wagging puppy’s heartfelt reaction, and she returns her affection with a warm hug. This precious reunion just made our day!

Click the video below to watch this HEARTWARMING reunion of these two best of friends!

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