Cat’s Series Of ‘Unfortunate’ Events Comes Full Circle To Save Family’s Christmas

Sainsbury’s partnered up with HarperCollins Children’s Books and world renowned author and illustrator Judith Kerr to create a holiday story based on her much beloved character Mog. And what starts as a disastrous day ends with a lesson we can all get behind.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Sainbury’s via YouTube Video


Everyone in the Thomas family was dreaming sweet dreams on Christmas Eve, except for Mog. Mog the cat was having a nightmare. This set off a chain reaction of unfortunate events that the cat tried to fix. But things kept getting worse and worse.


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Sainbury’s via YouTube Video


Without spoiling too much, let’s just say the fire department ends up showing up. And just when the Thomas family thought Christmas had been ruined, the spirit of the holiday intervened to save the day. It’s a happy ending for Mog and everyone involved. “Christmas is for sharing.” ????

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