She Was Now At ‘Peace’ Since Her Son Had Been Rescued, So She Laid Down To Die

Viktor Larkhill and his fellow rescuers received a request for help concerning a dog who was severely injured. They discovered that his mother had been with him but got left behind when he ran away. When they started looking for her, they found her curled up on an old couch in an abandoned house nearby.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Viktor Larkhill via YouTube Video


The puppy was completely destroyed and had no fur. Her coat had been ruined by terrible skin issues, leaving her crusty and bleeding. She was truly on the verge of death, having given up. When she found out that her son was okay, she lay down to die. But thankfully, this was only the beginning of a new existence for her.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Viktor Larkhill via YouTube Video


The team of rescuers brought her and her son to the hospital, where they named them Helen and Oscar. After months of special care and treatment, Helen and Oscar looked healthy again. Their fur began to grow back, and their bleeding wounds healed.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Viktor Larkhill via YouTube Video


Completely spoiled and loved, Helen was adopted by a family who adores her. Oscar has found his forever home too.

Watch Helen’s rescue in the video below:

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