Family Dumped Dog Because He Got Old, Now He Sits In A Corner Facing The Wall

In Owensboro, Kentucky, a trailer park was abuzz when Barkley – an elderly Shetland Shepard-Dachshund mix – appeared aimlessly wandering. When transported to the Daviess County Animal Shelter, it became apparent that this pup had been through much distress with very little hope of recovery; he exhibited extreme signs of depression and refused all human interaction.

Source (Screenshot) credit: Inside Edition via YouTube


Tightly curled up in a fearful corner of his room, Barkley was disturbed and uncomfortable. He refused to interact with anyone or touch his food, instead electing to keep himself away from everyone by facing the wall all day long while completely avoiding eye contact when someone got close. His tense body position caused so much distress that he had to be sedated during an examination at the vet’s office.

When the staff saw Barkley, they were appalled – his paws had raw and infected urine burns, while his dental health was atrocious. Interestingly enough he was already neutered leading them to believe that perhaps it wasn’t a case of abandonment but avoidance: His family may have left him due to financial burden associated with age-related medical bills.

Source (Screenshot) credit: Inside Edition via YouTube


Despite the fact that he had been scared and unresponsive for two long weeks, Barkley’s team of caretakers never gave up on him. Day by day they showed him love and patience until one miraculous morning when he finally came to understand they meant no harm – it was then that his spirit changed! He went from cowering in fear to seeking out human affection; belly rubs became a favorite pastime!

His rescue organization, Secondhand Hounds eventually found him a permanent foster situation where he could start living happily ever after.

Source (Screenshot) credit: Inside Edition via YouTube


Barkley’s days of feeling rejected and insignificant were over. He was now a lively pup, surrounded by love in his foster home.

Unfortunately, after two short years with us he passed away from an untreatable cancerous mass on his back and spine. We are so thankful that we had the opportunity to give him some joy before he left this world; may you rest peacefully sweet boy! ❤️ Rest In Peace, Barkley.

Click the video below to watch Barkley’s journey!

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