Dog Sees His Owner Collapsing On Bed, Pulls Off His Socks And Helps Him Relax

Morty the Australian Shepherd has a heart brimming with love for his doting dad. Whenever Dad returns home after a long day at work, Morty knows just how to make him feel better!


Image/Story Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


While most dogs comfort their humans with hugs and cuddles, Morty goes the extra mile to pamper his dad! In this video, we see a drained and exhausted Dad entering his room and flopping into the bed.


Image/Story Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Morty scans Dad’s body language and senses that he is too tired to even lift a finger. Realizing Dad is about to drift off to sleep, Morty proceeds to remove Dad’s socks from his aching feet! Morty thoughtfully pulls off both the socks and puts them into the laundry hamper.


Image/Story Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


He then hustles to close the door, and then jumps on the bed to switch off the light! After ensuring that the atmosphere is suitable for sleep, Morty finally snuggles up to Dad to comfort him with those warm hugs! Aww!

Click the video below to watch sweet Morty making sure his weary Dad gets a cozy slumber!

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