Soldier Doggy Dad Reunites With His Beautiful Deaf Dog

For Noelle, a deaf terrier mix, the separation from her father was excruciatingly painful. Fortunately for all involved, a loyal friend of hers volunteered to take care of her while he was away on his military training tour.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: LaurieMetzger via YouTube Video


His friend volunteers regularly at pet adoption events, so she took Noelle to one happening that weekend. That way, as soon as her dad got home, he could simply pick her up from there instead.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: LaurieMetzger via YouTube Video


Noelle couldn’t hear her father approaching, but once he appeared she stood up in her crate and began wagging her tail. This was the moment she’d been anticipating for so long.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: LaurieMetzger via YouTube Video


She immediately leaped on her father and covered him with kisses when she was released from her crate. The way she feels about her father is wonderful, and it’s clear how much she adores him!

Watch their sweet reunion for yourself in the video below! ????

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