The kind man saved the poor homeless dog who was helplessly stuck on the dangerous highway. C

In a heart-wrenching incident, a poor stray dog was hit by a car while trying to cross a busy highway. Khunkitt Mhanakorn received a call to help this unfortunate canine, and she did not hesitate to take action. The footage of the accident was heartbreaking, and it was clear that the dog was in dire need of help.

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The dog had been trying to find some food as it wandered the streets, but instead, it found itself in a life-threatening situation. Its leg was broken, and it was in pain, scared, and extremely hungry. Thanks to the timely intervention of Khunkitt Mhanakorn, the dog was taken to a vet clinic for immediate medical attention.

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Despite being in a critical condition, the dog received good medical treatment and nursing care, which helped it regain its strength and confidence. However, it was unfortunate that the leg could not be fixed, but the dog was not ready to give up. It continued to recover in a shelter, where it was given the love and care it deserved.

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The efforts of Khunkitt Mhanakorn and everyone else involved in rescuing the dog are highly commendable. Thanks to their dedication and hard work, the dog, now named Berry, will never wander the streets again. It will be cared for and loved for the rest of its life.

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The story of Berry is a reminder of the importance of showing kindness and compassion towards animals. It is heartening to see people like Khunkitt Mhanakorn and others who go out of their way to help animals in distress. We should all strive to be more empathetic and compassionate towards the animals that share our planet.

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