The Poem Jimmy Stewart Read About His Dog Beau Made Johnny Carson Tear Up

For nearly as long as dogs have had relationships with human beings, they’ve appeared in our art. Obviously, dogs really inspire us, and they’ve always been very important to us too.

Jimmy Stewart, known for his iconic acting roles in ‘Vertigo’ and ‘Mr. Smith Goes To Washington,’ also wrote some poetry. As a dog lover, it’s only natural that his dog Beau became the subject of one of these poems.



Stewart appeared on Johnny Carson’s show in July of 1981, where he read aloud this touching poem about Beau, who had passed away by this time. At first, Stewart described Beau’s willful and playful personality.

“He never came to me when I would call
Unless I had a tennis ball,
Or he felt like it.
But mostly, he didn’t come at all.”

Beau also had some fire in him, and would often get ahead of his older parents on walks. Stewart’s poem described his walks with Beau and his wife Gloria.

“He’d charge up the street,
With mom hanging on,
And what a beautiful pair they were.
But every once in a while he’d stop in his tracks
With a frown on his face and look around.
It was just to make sure that the old one was there
To follow him where he was bound.”

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