A Dog Never Dies- He’s Just Sleeping In Your Heart

A story posted to Reddit provides a new, uplifting perspective on losing a dog. If you’ve ever lost a pet, it will really hit home. You’ll never forget this, and that’s a good thing.

It starts off: “Some of you, particularly those who think they have recently lost a dog to ‘death,’ don’t really understand this. I’ve had no desire to explain, but won’t be around forever and must.”

This is why dogs never really die.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Source Credit: Reddit


“But don’t get fooled. They are not ‘dead.’ There’s no such thing, really. They are sleeping in your heart, and they will wake up, usually when you’re not expecting it. It’s just who they are. I feel sorry for people who don’t have dogs sleeping in their hearts. You’ve missed so much.”


Do you have a dog sleeping in your heart? Just beautiful.

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