Dog Rescued From Living On Chain 24/7 Finally Gets The Life He Deserved

Outside on a chain 24 hours, a day is not the life for any animal, especially an innocent dog. Buster the dog was chained to a yard that was so tight that his collar cut into his neck. Each day, Buster hoped he’d be fed and couldn’t run around like other dogs.

Image (Screenshot)/ Video Story Source Credit: PETA – YouTube Video


Fortunately, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) discovered Buster and spoke with his owners. They agreed to give him up so that he could live in a better home. He received medical treatment for numerous ailments, as well as a bath and lots of affection. Despite his previous life, he was a wonderful and caring dog.


Image (Screenshot)/ Video Story Source Credit: PETA – YouTube Video


PETA found a new home for Buster, and the day he was reunited with his mother was one of those unforgettable moments. Fortunately, the precise moment when his newest mother first saw him has been recorded on video.


Image (Screenshot)/ Video Story Source Credit: PETA – YouTube Video


Buster has found the perfect family in which to call his own, complete with a secure home, nourishing food, and regular activity. Click below to watch the video!


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