Dog Bares Her Teeth And Tries To Scare Away The One Man Who Tries To Help Her

A homeless dog named Lotus was constantly being harassed by a rotten resident in an LA neighborhood. When the rescue group “Hope For Paws” learned about this horrific situation, they rushed to rescue this miserable pooch.

But by then, Lotus was tired of people being unkind to her for no reason. Her heart sank at the sight of a rescuer approaching her.


Image/Story Source Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


As the rescuer came closer, Lotus contemplated running away. But she eventually decided to face her fears and confront the human with her hostile barks.

She flashed her massive teeth in hopes of scaring away the rescuer, but he didn’t give up on her. He set a trap for her and waited through the night to capture her.


Image/Story Source Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


While the forced rescue was a success, the rescuer was surprised to see Lotus getting happily comfortable in the trap’s warm blanket. However, the vet examination that followed this rescue was crushing on so many levels.

Lotus was suffering from a critical condition that stopped her blood from clotting. With her internal bleeding, she could have died within days.


Image/Story Source Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


Thanks to this rescue effort, Lotus’ illness was controlled in the nick of time. She must have had a haunting time surviving on the streets with all that pain and loneliness.

She is now recovering under foster care and has already gained some strength. This sweetie is no longer depressed or mistrustful but has blossomed into a gentle and affectionate darling, all thanks to her caretakers.


Click the video below to watch Lotus’ heart-wrenching rescue after some humans broke her heart!!

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