According to Science, These 9 Celebrities Have the Most Beautiful Bodies / Now I’ve Seen Everything

Although beauty is subjective, there is a scientific way to check how “perfect” a body is in terms of proportions. It’s all thanks to a formula that checks how close to the golden ratio someone’s body proportions are. So, we decided to take this formula and find out which famous women have the most perfect bodies.

Salma Hayek — 88%

Elle Macpherson — 88.3%

Cameron Diaz — 91%

Katy Perry — 92%

Kelly Brook — 92.9%


Marilyn Monroe — 94%

Helen Mirren — 95.6%

Kim Kardashian — 96.3%

Scarlett Johansson — 96.4%

You can look great at any age and Sharon Stone is a great example of that. At 65, she proudly rocks bikinis on Instagram and shows off her fit body. However, in one particular photo a curious detail caught everyone’s attention.

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