Little Boy With Tender Heart Weeps For His Puppy When She Cries

Young boy Jaden’s new puppy was due for her puppy vaccinations. His mom explained what to expect. Jaden and his puppy, Mau, remained strong! That is until it was time for the puppy’s first injection.



The tiny pup, which fits in the palm of your hand, was given over to the vet tech through the car window. Jaden watched from the backseat, protective of his doggy sister. All was fine until it wasn’t! Mau let out a cry, and Jaden joined in. As the video states, “Hearing the little puppy’s pain was too much for this boy’s soft heart. Jaden feels so much empathy for the little animal he can’t hold back his tears.”



Once Mau’s vaccinations are complete, Mom hands her over to her big brother so they can comfort one another. Jaden continued to cry and asked his mom if Mau had a boo-boo. Mau was totally fine, but Jaden had a hard time calming down. Once Mom reassures him that Mau is okay, he accepts her answer and they all go for ice cream.

The empathetic, sweet boy and his tiny pup will surely have a lasting bond. To see the touching story unfold, play the video below. Here’s to your new happy and healthy life, Mau!


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