Dog Saves Man From Committing Suicide, He Then Passes Away In The Man’s Arms

When Byron Taylor decided to take his own life, he was at the lowest point in his life. He had been traumatized by ending a bad relationship, so he began drinking. Soon, on the professional front, he hit rock bottom and lost all of his money. The man wrote a heartfelt note to his parents while depressed and cashless, intending to use a noose to kill himself.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Daily Mail via YouTube Video


However, what Byron didn’t realize was that his 6-year-old Rare Welsh Bull Mastiff, Geo, had discovered his plan. Even though Geo is a gentle dog, he confronted his heartbroken dad. The dog snatched the noose and chewed it up, and snarled angrily every time Byron tried to retrieve the noose.

As Byron saw the destroyed noose, he came to his senses! He broke down as he realized Geo’s desperate attempts to save his life. He hugged his dog tight and discarded his suicide plans for good! Since then, Byron was gradually able to put his life back together.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Daily Mail via YouTube Video


Byron was convinced he had found his happy ending, but a brutal development gutted him completely. Geo got sick with an aggressive form of brain tumor that was untreatable and inoperable. The poor dog had just weeks to live, but Byron was not ready to let him do it.

For the next few days, Byron was preoccupied with worries over elongating Geo’s life. But when he accepted that the dog’s death was inevitable, he resolved to keep his buddy happy and pain-free during his final days. Geo peacefully passed away in his dad’s arms within 2 months of his fatal diagnosis.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Daily Mail via YouTube Video


Geo stood like a rock when his dad was going through a crisis, and there’s nothing that can ever replace that. Byron still misses his furry hero every single day. He has honored Geo’s life by emotionally sharing his vulnerable story with the world. This faithful dog’s memories will live on forever!

Click the video below to watch Byron recounting how Geo saved his life when he was suicidal.

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