Dog Fetches His Bowl Every Night For Dinner, Then Puts Bowl Back After Dinner

Over the years, Ari the 8-year-old Jack Russell Terrier has shown an incredible sense of table manners. One of his most distinctive features is his great care for his dinner bowl. The video below beautifully captures Ari’s charming supper habit and devotion to his bowl!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Every evening, Ari and his doggie sibling hang out in the kitchen while Dad is preparing dinner.

When Dad announces that their dinner is ready, both the dogs get ready for an appetizing meal. However, it is Ari who goes out of the way to fetch his dinner bowl from the other room!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Ari carries his cherished bowl all the way to the kitchen and carefully places it on the floor to be filled up by Dad.

He then takes his time to relish every morsel at a relaxed pace. Once he has licked his bowl clean, he picks it up and puts it back in its original spot!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


With his thoughtful gesture, Ari believes that he is helping his human wrap things up after dinner. That’s just so nice of him!

Dogs have the kindest souls when it comes to finding ways to make life easier for their humans!


Click the video below to watch Ari’s ritualistic habit of bringing his dinner bowl and placing it back after dinner!

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