“Fat” Dog Felt Like A Burden, Hung His Head In Shame & Hid Away From The World

At 150 lbs, Tony was an obese German Shepherd living a difficult life on the streets. Always having to hide away from people due to his size, he was eventually found by a local shelter. It became quickly apparent that not only was he too big and uncoordinated movement-wise, but his bones were weak and effortless.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video

Tony was alone at the shelter for numerous days when he caught the attention of Lee Asher. With 8 other dogs that were all rescued from various types of abuse and neglect, Tony’s story resonated with him, and knew that the depressed dog needed some love to help lose the 50 lbs spoiling his life.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


When Lee brought Tony home to his “bunch of furry misfits”, the overweight dog felt shy and out of place in the company of such loved and pampered dogs. But Tony’s new dad and his doggie siblings worked consistently to make him feel accepted and adored just the way he was. Little by little, Tony opened up and Lee put him on an exercise regime and diet plan.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video



This video documents Tony’s weight-loss journey from 150 lbs to 99 lbs, and it’s one of the most heartwarming things we’ve ever seen. Today, Tony is a fit dog who doesn’t feel the need to hide anymore. He’s a true fighter and an inspiration to anyone who is working hard to get out of a rough patch!

Click the video below to watch how Tony’s incredible journey from being obese to getting fit!

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