
In a heart-wrenching tale of a mother’s heartache, a devoted dog embarks on a desperate search for her departed puppy, showcasing the unbreakable bond between a canine and her offspring. !g

The video depicts a heartbreaking scene by which a grieving mom canine uncovers her deceased pet with dedication. Kookie tirelessly digs by the densely packed earth till she reaches the male pet and extracts it by a leg from its makeshift grave. In an effort to resuscitate her valuable offspring, she licks and prods the tiny physique with all of her energy. The proprietor, Kaye de Luna, states within the video that Kookie miscarried throughout her first being pregnant, so she have to be devastated by the lack of one other pet. It’s evident that Kookie cared for her whole litter, together with the one which didn’t survive. It’s a actually unhappy sight to see.

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On Might 17, Kookie gave start to a litter of puppies, however one of many smallest and weakest puppies handed away through the evening. When Kookie realized what had occurred, she started to bark loudly and awoke all the family. The house owners found the deceased canine and buried it in an unmarked grave of their yard with out Kookie’s information. Later, once they took Kookie for a stroll within the backyard, she instantly headed for the grave. The proprietor, Kaye, determined to permit Kookie to grieve and settle for the lack of her pet in her personal method. The heartbreaking video reveals Kaye sobbing within the background as she watches Kookie grieve for her deceased pet.

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Kookie initially dug into the soil till she detected the scent of her pet, which inspired her to proceed. After eradicating sufficient dust to show a portion of the physique, she was in a position to extricate the lifeless pet from its makeshift grave. The mom canine then tried to resuscitate the pet by licking and nudging it together with her nostril. On the conclusion of the clip, Kookie paused and turned her consideration to Kaye, who was visibly distressed by the heartbreaking scene.

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The viral video demonstrates that once they lose their puppies, canines additionally expertise grief and loss. Kookie, like all different feminine canines, was hardwired to instinctively lick and nuzzle her puppies. It’s comprehensible that Kookie dug up her deceased pet one final time in an try to revive it, as she was present process her personal type of closure. It is not uncommon information that canines grieve for his or her house owners, so it isn’t shocking that they might expertise the identical disappointment and mourning when dropping a pet.


Some well being issues are particular to sure breeds, comparable to respiration issues for flat-faced dogs. However a number of different canine well being points can have an effect on any dog. Listed here are 10 typical well being circumstances it is advisable to be careful for in your four-legged finest buddy:

High 10 Widespread Dog Well being Issues

Pores and skin Issues

One of the apparent indicators that your dog has a pores and skin situation is itching. Different signs which will recommend that your dog has a pores and skin drawback embrace rashes, redness, dry pores and skin, lumps, bumps, pores and skin sores, dandruff, and hair loss.

Ear Ailments

Roughly 20 p.c of dogs endure from ear illness. It’s significantly widespread in breeds with floppy ears like cocker spaniels and basset hounds. It’s widespread to see wax buildup or discharge of their ear canal. However others could expertise ache, itchiness, redness, swelling, and crusting within the ears.

Urinary Tract Infections

Merely often known as UTI, this situation could make it uncomfortable for your loved one companion to cross urine. Indicators of urinary tract an infection embrace consuming water greater than traditional and passing urine extra typically than traditional. Your dog can also solely cross a small quantity or lose bladder management. Moreover, you might even see blood of their urine or discover a robust odor to it.


There are numerous the explanation why your pet could throw up. You don’t want to go to the vet every time your dog vomits. However it’s additionally not one thing you’ll be able to simply ignore. Don’t attempt to guess. If the vomiting persists or happens with different signs like diarrhea or lethargy, it is advisable to rush to the vet. It could possibly be an indication of extreme well being issues, comparable to poisoning or gastrointestinal blockage.


This symptom could happen by itself or be accompanied by vomiting. Its potential causes are just like vomiting. One or two episodes of diarrhea will not be a pet emergency. However recurring diarrhea can lead to dehydration.


Sooner or later of their lives, your pet could must cope with discomfort attributable to inner or exterior parasites. Signs of parasites usually differ, relying on a couple of components. These embrace the type of parasite that has plagued your pet, the place it lives, and the way extreme its infestation is.

Dental Points

Like us, your dog can develop canine dental ailments attributable to excessive ranges of plaque buildup. A number of indicators point out that your pet could have dental illness. These embrace problem consuming, bleeding of the gums or tooth, unfastened tooth, and dangerous breath.

Weight problems

Practically 30 p.c of the final dog inhabitants is taken into account overweight. A number of components contribute to a pet’s threat. These embrace age, genetic predisposition, lack of train, and overfeeding, amongst others.


This joint drawback can prohibit your dog’s mobility. Convey Fido to the vet if you happen to see your dog decelerate or limp earlier than and after walks. Different indicators embrace licking or chewing on tender areas and behavioral modifications.


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