Woman Finds Abandoned Mama Dog Starving In Park, Sets Out To Find Her Puppies

The poor dog was abandoned in a park by her owner, who most likely just wanted her to starve and die. For weeks, Esme pleaded with the walkers in the park for help but no one responded. A local rescuer heard about Esme and arrived at the park immediately to save her.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Hope For Paws Official Rescue Channel via YouTube Video


In this video, we see the woman reaching out to Esme and offering her some food. The dog is initially frightened, but she gives in to her hunger and gratefully accepts the food. When Esme is calm, the rescuer sees that the dog is lactating and realizes that she had just given birth. The poor mama dog had actually been yearning for her puppies all this time!

None of the parkgoers had seen any puppies in the vicinity, so the woman took Esme for a stroll around the area hoping that she would point toward the direction of her puppies. But 2 hours passed and there was no sign of the puppies.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Hope For Paws Official Rescue Channel via YouTube Video


The woman eventually came to the bitter conclusion that someone had taken Esme’s puppies away or they were eaten by predators.

It was also likely that her owner had exploited her for puppies and dumped her after their birth. There’s really no way to know what happened to these tiny souls.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Hope For Paws Official Rescue Channel via YouTube Video


Esme was later placed under the care of “Art N’ Paws” rescue, and she found a loving forever home soon after. Poor Esme’s story really broke our hearts. It makes no sense to dump pets when there are so many rescue organizations working tirelessly for the cause of animals. No pet deserves to go through the pain of such abandonment.

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