Mom Can’t Reach 8-Month-Old Baby Caught In Fire With Puppy, Dog ‘Sacrificed’ Himself To Save Her

Erika Poremski, the mother of eight-month-old Viviana, got out for a few minutes to get something from her vehicle. When she looked around to go back inside, she discovered that her house was on fire, burning away at the lives of both her child and cherished dog Polo.


Image/Story Source Credit: WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore via YouTube Video


Erika, in tears, bandaged from minor injuries, describes the traumatic event to WBAL TV News:

“I just heard her crying and I couldn’t get to her. I tried really hard, everyone in the neighborhood tried. They were kicking the doors in and kicking the windows out. I couldn’t (get her out). Nobody could.”


Image/Story Source Credit: WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore via YouTube Video



Firefighters arrived on the scene quickly. They ran into the house to save Viviana and Polo, but what they discovered was inexplicable.



Image/Story Source Credit: WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore via YouTube Video




The crew made their approach into Viviana’s room. On the floor near Viviana was Polo, who had fallen on top of her. He wrapped his body around her and, like a blanket, covered her entirely to shield her from the fire. Polo sadly did not survive. His body was terribly injured in the flames. The devoted dog put himself before his human sister’s life to preserve it. He gave up his existence to protect something more valuable than his own life.




Image/Story Source Credit: WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore via YouTube Video


Erika was quoted:

“She only had burns on her side because of it. He stayed with her the whole time in the bedroom and wouldn’t even come downstairs to get out the door. He was my first baby and now I lost him. And I’m just praying I don’t lose her.”


Image/Story Source Credit: WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore via YouTube Video



Viviana, who has placed in a medically induced coma after being injured in the fire, was undergoing evaluation. But she was fortunate to only have burns on one side of her body owing to the valiant dog’s quick action. Because, he knew exactly what he had to do to save her life and was barely exposed to the flames because the brave dog knew what to do, what he felt he had to do, at all costs.



Image/Story Source Credit: WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore via YouTube Video



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