Owner Nails Shut A Dog House And Leaves It On The Street To Get Hit By A Car

When the Ghetto Rescue Foundation (GRFF) received an emergency call about a doghouse in the middle of a Los Angeles street, they discovered that it was sealed shut with only 2-3 holes punched in for air. As the rescuers arrived and pulled off the plywood door, their hearts sank at what they found inside.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS Los Angeles via YouTube Video


The rescuers found a scared Shepherd Chow mix huddled in the corner of the doghouse. His body was twisted and contorted, and he hung his head in pain and shame. He showed clear signs of physical abuse all over his body, and it was obvious that his mental well-being was also compromised.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS Los Angeles via YouTube Video


The rescuers called animal control to assist with removing the traumatized dog from the doghouse. His body was covered in old and new wounds, implying that he had gone without food and water for 3-days. He was rushed to the veterinarian and given lifesaving treatment, but he still remained a defeated dog.

As a result, his rescue committee named him Walter Worthy Higgins and committed to assisting him in leaving his traumatic experiences behind.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS Los Angeles via YouTube Video


It took 2 years of intense healing and rehabilitation, but Walter was gradually able to rise again like a winner. His caretakers acted with love, patience, and compassion, and eventually found him a forever family that understood all the layers of his tortured but gentle soul.

However, the evil person who turned his doghouse into a death trap was never found. If you have any information on Walter’s abuser, do reach out to the GRFF workers.

Click the video below to watch how Walter got rescued from the nailed-shut doghouse in the nick of time.

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