Starving Dogs Felt Nothing But Pain, Found Living With Wires Cutting Into Their Necks

Batty and Ratty were found living in a very bad conditions with no water, food, or sanctuary. The rescuers were completely shocked when they found the dogs as they were in extreme pain because of ropes and cables around their necks.

You may think that the dogs were strays, but the truth is that they were ignored by their owners, who chained them outside! Thankfully, Sidewalk Specials’ rescuers were able to convince the owners to surrender the dogs!

They directly rushed them to the veterinary clinic, where they were diagnosed with anemia, mange, poor nutrition, and bite fever after they examined them. Unfortunately, they had to amputate one of Batty’s back legs as it had an old break for more than a year!

They are now at the Sidewalk Specials, and are looking for a forever home. Email, if you are interested. Watch the video below.

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