Dog Is Totally Unimpressed When Mom Opens Box And Reveals Her New Baby Brother

Confusion swept over Shira the Siberian Husky when Mom presented a large, odd-looking cardboard box into the family home. With bated breath, she waited for an explanation—obviously excited too, if her tail wagging was any indicator.

However, upon opening the box, the pug was shocked to discover a tiny German Shepherd puppy nestled inside!

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble video via YouTube Video


To say that Shira was caught off guard would be an understatement! She was internally losing her sanity as Mom introduced her to her new puppy brother, Enzo.

Shira had no idea why Mom looked so chipper to welcome the “weird” little Enzo, so she decided to inspect the puppy herself!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble video via YouTube Video


For the next few minutes, Shira hilariously went back and forth as she sniffed and scanned Enzo, only to get spooked out by his endearing puppy eyes.

While Shira’s brain was still processing the sudden development, her tail began wagging away automatically – like it had a mind of its own! Enzo had absolutely bewitched his big sister!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble video via YouTube Video


Shira definitely took her time to warm up to Enzo. But once she embraced him as her sibling, there was no looking back for them. Today, the duo spends all their time together like 2 peas in a pod.

They are partners in crime for their freaky shenanigans around the house and are super protective of each other! To think that this lifelong friendship had such a goofy start!

Click the video below to watch Shira’s hilariously tense first encounter with her puppy brother!

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