2-Year-Old Girl Gets Attached To Deaf Homeless Puppy And Begs Mom To Adopt Him

Moz was a sickly, weak puppy who had been abandoned on the streets by his previous owners when he was first adopted by “Hopalong Rescue” staff. Because he was deaf, survival was difficult for him.

Moz was skinny and furless, definitely sick with some kind of skin infection. The rescue enlisted Thom, who had experience fostering dogs with medical problems, to help get Moz back on his feet.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


Moz was worn to his bones due to his street life and his deafness made every change seem like a shock to him.

For the first few days at his foster home, the poor guy had no idea what was happening and he would sleep and sleep for hours in his comfy bed. But he gradually realized Thom was his caretaker and began relying on him with blind faith. As Moz began feeling better health-wise, Thom initiated his introduction to the outside world. He put Moz in a unique backpack and started taking him out for his daily walk with the other foster dogs.

Moz went from confused to curious to liberated as the daily exercise helped him come out of his shell.

During one of their walks around the neighborhood, Moz caught the fancy of a sweet 2-year-old girl named Lillian. The toddler had always loved greeting Thom’s foster dogs from her window, but how she took to Moz was extraordinary. She was bowled over by his mellow charm and just wanted to protect him and preserve his innocence.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


Over the weeks, Lillian began looking forward to greeting Moz every single day. Thom would let her walk him, and this became their everyday bonding ritual.

As for Moz, he happily trotted beside Lillian and went wherever she went. Their fondness for each other was undeniable and Thom was mesmerized to see the rare friendship blossoming between this cute pair!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


It was no surprise that Lillian convinced her mom to adopt Moz and make him a permanent part of their family! This delightful video of Lillian and Moz’s journey toward each other warmed our hearts and lifted our souls with unbridled wholesomeness.

The way Lillian’s eyes twinkle as she says “I’m Moz forever family” is the purest thing ever!

Click the video below to watch the deaf Moz finding himself a permanent place in Lillian’s unprejudiced heart!

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