He Decided She Didn’t Deserve To Eat, They Fought To Prove She ‘Deserved’ The World

Meet Angel and this is her story. Angel was purposely starved and on the brink of death. She was rescued in the nick of time. Her organs had begun to shut down. As you can see from her face, she is in pain, weak and afraid. Every bone on her body painfully showed.


Image Source Credit: Rescue From The Hart YouTube Video


Angel’s body wasn’t just shutting down but so was she. Being unloved and mistreated for this long had really broken her down. But that was all about to change– now that she was in the care of loving people.


Image Source Credit: Rescue From The Hart YouTube Video


For a while, it was touch and go. At this stage of starvation, survival is uncertain. But she had really smart people in her corner that knew just what to do. They fed her small amounts of food throughout the day. She was also given IV nutrition, antibiotics, and medicine for pain.


Image Source Credit: Rescue From The Hart YouTube Video


Each day, Angel improved. As Rescue From The Hart says in their video, “We lent her our strength, until one day she found her own,” is so profound. But as you will see, they were spot on! Angel took their lead. They saw positivity in their eyes and believed them when they told her that she is now loved and will be okay. And then… she stood up all on her own! Do you know how incredible that is?!


Image Source Credit: Rescue From The Hart YouTube Video


With a steady diet and continued medical care, Angel gained weight. Her body was. . .  Click to continue reading this story>>


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