Owner Put French Bulldog In Car Seat And Decided To Throw The Biggest ‘Temper Tantrum’

Dogs adore being near to us at all times, but we must separate from them from time to time for their own protection. That’s precisely what happened when Bosley the French Bulldog went on an automobile journey with his owner.

The little guy was placed in a car seat and fastened into it in the rear seat securely. Well, he began reading his owner the riot act and having a rage fit!

Image/Story Source Credit: Frenchies Beatrice and Bosley via YouTube Video


Parents of human children can relate to those instances when kids throw a fit because they don’t want to sit alone in the back seat. Temper tantrums aren’t just for humans, it seems. This dog isn’t amused that he has to be strapped in a car seat and has no idea why he can’t ride up front with his owner. ????


Image/Story Source Credit: Frenchies Beatrice and Bosley via YouTube Video


The tiny guy squirmed and flicked his head back, expressing his displeasure with his circumstance. Because Bosley had to wake him up, a second Frenchie appears. It keeps getting better and better! Make sure you watch the video below, so funny.


Image/Story Source Credit: Frenchies Beatrice and Bosley via YouTube Video


The driver’s seat is the ideal location for him, but Bosley isn’t interested. See what a hilarious video we’ve found below. We hope that Bosley was rewarded with a toy for being such an obedient kid and allowing his mother to keep him safe. ❤️


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